Monday 10 August 2015

Compare Atom Processors

Intel Atom processors are attached to the motherboard inside the PC.

The processor is the brain inside a computer and like the delicate human brain you would not remove it to make comparisons. Instead, you might consider using data already available, such as specifications and benchmark tests done in a controlled environment. Intel's Atom processor is conducive to many computer sizes, running the gamut from miniature smartphones and netbooks, to bulky, over-sized desktop PCs. You might have difficulty opening the case of the smaller devices, never mind comparing the processors within. Alternatively, Intel has done the legwork for you by creating an easy-to-reference comparison of all of its Atom processors.


1. Open a second Internet browser window or press "Ctrl" and "N" on the keyboard.

2. Navigate to Intel's "Atom Processor Family, Compare Products" Web page (or see the link in Resources).

3. Scroll down the Web page. Click a check mark in the box next to each Atom processor to be compared.

4. Scroll back to the top of the Web page. Click the blue "Compare Now" button.

5. Look at the information in the rows and columns of data to compare Atom processors. For example, more cores in a processor will help the computer run faster. Look at the "# of Cores" row to compare processors across that category.

Tags: Atom processors, Intel Atom, Atom processor, page Click