Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Underclock A Processor

Underclock your processor using a few Windows settings.

A Central Processing Unit (CPU) performs the majority of calculations needed for a computer to function. The processor speed directly affects many aspects of the computer, including its performance, heat level and task capability. Underclock a processor to prevent heat damage or other issues. Underclocking is the process of slowing the CPU speed significantly from its base level. Use the built-in options in the Windows operating system to underclock your processor.


1. Click "Start" and then "Control Panel." Press the "System and Maintenance" link. In System and Maintenance, click "Power Options."

2. Choose the "Power Saver" option in the "Choose a Power Plan" section. Choosing this option underclocks the CPU and prevents it from using its maximum power and speed. Click the "Change Plan Settings" link under the Power option and then choose "Change Advanced Power Settings" near the bottom of the window.

3. Scroll down the selections to the "Processor Power Management" field. Click the small plus (+) symbol to expand the category and click the "Maximum Processor State" field. Highlight the number entered into the field to the right and type a value between 25 and 50. This number refers to the percentage of the processor's power that the computer is allowed to use. Click "OK" to exit the windows and apply the change.

Tags: Choose Power, System Maintenance, your processor