The motherboard of a computer system houses all of its internal components and also provides connectivity to external devices.
A motherboard is the most important part of a computer system because it connects all the devices together. The motherboard also manages the data being sent between these computer components.
Close to the edge of the Dell motherboard is the manufacturer's sticker, which is usually found next to the processor. This clearly identifies the system when the chassis cover is opened.
Dell system board supports the Intel Core 2 Duo processor. The processor slot is conveniently located right next to the memory slots on the motherboard for easy assembly.
A Dell motherboard is held in the computer with eight screws. Once it is seated on the chassis, adding the rest of your devices such as hard drive, DVD drive, RAM, processor and graphic card is self-explanatory because Dell provides detailed written and online documentation for their computer systems.
Tags: computer system, Dell motherboard