Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Building A Computer From An Hp Desktop

Building a new computer using old reusable parts from your HP Desktop is smart way to save money while upgrading the essential portions of your computer's hardware. The main reusable portions from your HP computer are the hard drive, optical drive and system memory, allowing you to knock a few hundred dollars off the price of your new computer build.


1. Shut down your HP computer and unplug it. Remove the screws at the back of the case and slide off the side panel.

2. Disconnect the power and data cables from the back of the hard and optical drives. Remove the screws on both units and pull them directly out of the bay at the front of your HP computer.

3. Move the retaining notches on the system memory outward to release the modules (located near the CPU fan on your HP computer). Pull the RAM chips out of the HP machine.

4. Mount your new motherboard inside the case of your new computer. Align it with the holes in the case and screw it into position.

5. Insert the CPU chip into the CPU socket at the top of the new motherboard. Lock it in position using the metal lever on the side of the unit and mount the heatsink according to the directions that came with your specific model.

6. Insert the old HP memory into the RAM slots of your new computer, located near the CPU socket.

7. Screw the hard and optical drives from your HP computer into the new case. Connect a SATA cable from the motherboard to the Data ports on both units.

8. Screw the power supply into the case. Connect the leads to the motherboard, optical drive, case fans and hard drive in your new computer.

Tags: your computer, from your, both units, case Connect, from your computer