Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Recycle Computers

Recycle all your computer's parts & pieces

Recycling computers used to be a challenge taken on by only the most dedicated environmentalists. Now, new websites bring loads of useful information together for you, making it easy and lucrative to recycle - even computers!


1. The first step when you want to recycle your computer is to consider - seriously - if you really need a new one. Sometimes it's possible to make older computers useful again with simple upgrades. Using what you already have is even more environmentally friendly than recycling.

2. Most of the time, most of us will determine that yes, we really do need a new computer, which brings us back to recycling our old computers. The link below is to the US Government site on e-cycling, and has a great list of manufacturer and local programs for recycling computers. More great computer recycling programs are being launched all the time. For example, Samsung just launched a state-of-the-art computer recycling program that covers all 50 states.

3. If you have a laptop, or external hard drive, you may be able to not only recycle your computer, but get paid to do it. Some sites, such as Gazelle.com, buy and sell used electronics. Gazelle.com even offers to recycle your old electronics, even if it's so out-of-date as to have no market value. That is, even if they can't offer to pay you for it, they'll still recycle your old laptop for you.

Tags: recycle your, your computer, computer recycling, really need, recycling computers