Thursday, 24 September 2015

Speed Up My Pentium Dual Core Processor

Increase your processor speed with advanced power options.

The Pentium Dual Core processor is one of the most common processors found in computers. A processor, otherwise known as a Central Processing Unit (CPU), is a small chip-like device embedded in computers. The Pentium Dual Core CPU performs calculations for the PC, enabling it to perform tasks for the user. The speed of the processor determines the strength and speed of the computer. Increasing the CPU's working speed enhances the performance of the PC. CPU speed optimizing is done using power management features in the Windows operating system.


1. Click the "Start" logo and select "Control Panel." From the Control Panel, click on "System and Security", then "Power Options." The Power Options dialog is displayed.

2. Click "Create a power plan." The Create a Power Plan dialog is displayed. Select the "High Performance" radio button. Putting the High Performance plan into effect causes your PC to utilize more of the Dual Core CPU's speed and power. Click "Next."

3. Click "Change Plan Settings" to the right of the High Performance plan text. Next click "Change advanced plan settings" near the bottom of the window and scroll-down the Advanced settings pop-up window to the "Processor power management" section. Expand the section and click on "Minimum processor state." Ensure the value "100" is entered into the text field. This value determines how much of the CPU is constantly in use by the computer. The number 100 in this field signals the PC to use all of the CPU's resources for any tasks being performed. Click "OK" and exit the window.

Tags: Dual Core, High Performance, Pentium Dual, Pentium Dual Core, Control Panel