Compare AMD Athlon & Duron and Intel Processors
A computer's CPU (Central Processing Unit) receives and interprets data, and executes the computer program's instructions. Three major components make up a CPU: the control unit, the I/O (Input/Output) unit and the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit). The processor determines the level of a computer's performance. The two major manufacturers of computer processors are Intel and AMD. The AMD Athlon was the first desktop CPU to process data at one GHz (gigahertz), and the AMD Duron was a budget-line of CPUs released as an alternative to the Athlon. Popular, comparable Intel processors include the Pentium and the Celeron. The easiest way to compare the performance of older Intel and AMD processors is to look at existing benchmark ratings.
1. Launch a web browser and navigate to PassMark (see Resources). Enter the name and model number of an Athlon, Duron or Intel processor into the search box. Click "Find."
2. Review the rank number located to in the third column. The lower the rank, the better the processor.
3. Select the link to go to the comparison chart. Look at the number located to the right of the processor to determine how well the CPU performs compared to other processors of its type. The higher the number, the better the processor; the lower the number, the worse its performance.
4. Click "Back." Repeat the steps for any other processors you want to check.
Tags: Athlon Duron, Athlon Duron Intel, Duron Intel, better processor, Compare Athlon