Overclocking a computer is setting up hardware to run at speeds beyond the normal running speed using the computer's BIOS or basic input output system. Overclocking is primarily used to achieve better frame rates and graphics on computer games. Usually gamers who overclock have high-powered computers and advanced cooling systems that allow hardware to be cooled enough to compensate for the increased heat created by overclocking. The most common component to overclock is the CPU, but it is also possible to attempt to overclock random access memory, or RAM.
1. Restart your computer.
2. Access your system BIOS setup utility as it boots up. A black or blue screen should appear during start-up that will say something like "Press Delete to Enter Setup." Pressing "Delete" or whichever key is listed will prevent normal booting to your operating system and open the BIOS setup utility.
3. Navigate the menus of the BIOS setup and search for a field to where it lists random access memory frequency in megahertz. The exact menus vary from one BIOS to another, but it will probably be located under a field similar to advanced settings and then RAM or FSB settings. Your computer's user manual should have a list of the BIOS setup features that you can use to find the memory settings.
4. Change the number in the field for RAM megahertz to a larger number. Normally RAM is set to specific run speeds such as 333, 400, 533, 667, 800 or 1066mhz, which are associated with different grades of RAM. When overclocking, you can attempt to set your speed one step higher than what is prescribed for your current RAM speed.
5. Save the changes in the BIOS and restart your computer.
Tags: BIOS setup, access memory, BIOS setup utility, random access, random access memory, setup utility