ASUS motherboards support most recent types of processors including Intel and AMD models. Processor support is determined primarily by the type of central processing unit (CPU) socket installed on a given board. The latest model processors (as ofo 2010) use the AM3 and AM2+ sockets from AMD and the LGA 1156 and LGA 1366 sockets from Intel.
AMD Motherboards
ASUS sells motherboards supporting a broad range of AMD processors compatible with the AM3 socket. Some of the processors supported by ASUS AM3 boards include the dual, triple and quad core Athlon II processors and the dual, triple, quad and six core Phenom II processors.
LGA 1156
ASUS motherboards using an LGA 1156 socket are compatible with Intel processors from the Core i3 and Core i5 processor families. Intel processors from the i7 family with a model number of 860 to 880 are also compatible with ASUS LGA 1156 socket motherboards. LGA 1156 compatible ASUS motherboards can also use older processors, including the Pentium G6950.
LGA 1366
ASUS motherboards using the LGA 1366 CPU socket are compatible with Intel processors from the Core i7 family. This includes processors with model numbers ranging from 920 to 980 and support for 130 watt processors.
Tags: ASUS motherboards, compatible with, Intel processors, Intel processors from, processors from