Hard-core computer gamers love to overclock their computers. While laptops are generally more difficult to overclock than desktops due to power constraints (overclocking requires extra power, naturally), the Compaq V2000 is one of the few laptops where overclocking can and should be done to achieve maximum performance. The ability to overclock starts with the CPU manufacturers. They tend to have an overstock of high-end processors, since mid- to low-end processors sell more. Thus, they purposely push down the performance of their high-end CPUs and sell them as low-end CPUs. Overclocking is the process of reversing what the manufacturer did to achieve high-end CPU speeds at mid- to low-end CPU costs. While this sounds like a superb idea, keep in mind that overclocking your computer improperly can have disastrous consequences and should be attempted with the utmost caution for new users.
1. Download the necessary software (see below in "Resources"). You will need to download and install ClockGen, CPU-Z and Prime95 to overclock your computer safely. Only select one Prime95 download depending on whether you have a 32-bit or 64-bit computer. CPU-Z will let you find out exactly what kind of motherboard, CPU and memory you're using to set up ClockGen. ClockGen is the actual overclocking software. Finally, Prime95 will forcibly max out your computer's processing capabilities through its "torture test" to ensure long-term stability from any overclocking increases.
2. Restart your computer. Once restarted, make sure there are no background programs running. The only applications you want running are the three pieces of software you installed in the previous step.
3. Double-click on the new CPU-Z icon on your desktop and go to the "Mainboad" page. This will tell you what kind of motherboard is inside your Compaq V2000. Leave CPU-Z open for later, as you will need additional information from it throughout the overclocking process.
4. Set up ClockGen. This can be the most difficult and potentially hazardous portion of overclocking your Compaq V2000, so be careful. Once ClockGen is opened, click on "PLL Setup," and check the "Ignore GSB/PCI" button. Look at your CPU-Z program now. If the "Mainboard" information here tells you which clock you're using, go to "PLL Setup" and scroll through the Clock Generator Setup drop-down list to find it. If the CPU-Z program does not, then you can try trial and error.
With the Compaq V2000, one of the options will work, but not every laptop is capable of overclocking. To do trial and error, select the first option in the Clock Generator Setup drop-down menu (CY28346). Click "Read Clocks." Then, close "PLL Setup" (but not ClockGen), and now open "PLL Control." If this is the proper clock setting, the CPU, FSB and RAM options should display numbers below their clocks. If none or only some numbers are displayed, repeat this process with the next drop-down option. If all three clocks are displaying numbers, go back to CPU-Z and go to the "CPU" tab. Ensure that CPU and FSB ("Rated FSB" in CPU-Z) are similar in both CPU-Z and ClockGen. Now go to the "Memory" tab of CPU-Z and ensure that the RAM is similar to that displayed in the ClockGen "PLL Control" box. If they are all similar, continue on to the next step. If not, repeat the trial and error process with the next drop-down option in "PLL Setup."
5. Open Prime95. With ClockGen set up properly, it's now time to start overclocking your computer. Inside Prime95, go to Options -> Torture Test, and begin the torture test. Essentially, this will push your computer's processor to its maximum under current clock settings. Naturally, as you attempt to increase this maximum clock setting (hence, "overclocking") with ClockGen (in the next step), Prime95 will force your computer faster and faster.
6. Open "PLL Control" once again from inside ClockGen. Now you're going to do the actual overclocking. Move the top slider slightly, so that the FSB moves up only about two points. Click "Apply Selection." If the computer immediately crashes, you selected the wrong Clock Generator Setup option and need to go back to trial and error. If the computer does not immediately crash, quickly look to the bottom right corner of your screen where you will see the Prime95 icon (the actual icon says "2p-1"). Wait for 5 minutes. If the icon becomes yellow at any time, immediately move the FSB slider back down two points and click "Apply Selection" once again. Congratulations, you've just overclocked your computer.
Tags: your computer, Compaq V2000, trial error, Clock Generator, Clock Generator Setup, Generator Setup