The Core 2 Quad Q6600 Intel processor contains four separate cores functioning at 2.4GHz each. This processor is automatically configured following installation to your system, but you always have the option to regulate the CPU voltage and the front side bus settings if you wish to increase or decrease the clock speed of your Core 2 Quad. Accomplish this through the system BIOS.
1. Restart the computer. Press the key indicated in the startup messages (normally one of the "F" keys) to enter BIOS.
2. Highlight the "Advanced Settings" option and press "Enter."
3. Highlight either the "CPU Voltage" or the "FSB Frequency" settings to modify the stock settings for your Q6600. Press "Enter." Select the new desired value from the onscreen list or input a new desired value and press "Enter." Typically, this involves increasing the FSB multiplier so the processor runs at a higher frequency.
4. Press "F10" to save and exit the BIOS.
Tags: Core Quad, Core Quad Q6600, desired value, Quad Q6600