Monday 23 March 2015

Inspiron 1150 Won'T Boot Up With Battery Or Power Cord

Power and boot issues have been commonly reported by users of the Dell Inspiron 1150 laptop. Rather than a software error, these problems are often caused by a faulty power supply, an old battery in need of replacement, or a damaged motherboard. As there is no one fix for this issue, tracking down the cause of the problem can take some time.


1. Check the pin on the power adapter to make sure that it fits securely into your computer. A bent or loose connection can render the power source undetectable by the computer, resulting in a useless adapter and a dead battery. If the pin does not fit securely, you will need to acquire a new adapter.

2. Check the battery lights on the laptop case. If the lights are indicating a fully charged battery, then the battery is functioning properly. If the lights are blinking or have gone dead, then the problem is most likely with the battery itself, in which case a replacement will need to be purchased. You may be able to acquire a new battery from the manufacturer under warranty.

3. Make note of the sounds coming from your computer when you try to turn it on. Does a fan turn on and then quickly turn off? Is there a beeping sound? No sound at all? If the previous two steps did not solve the problem, then there is most likely an issue with the laptop's motherboard. Unless you are proficient with computer hardware repair, it is best in this case to contact the manufacturer or take your laptop to a computer repair specialist. Describing the sounds of the booting computer will help identify exactly what sort of error you are dealing with.

Tags: Inspiron 1150, most likely, will need, your computer