Friday, 14 August 2015

Fix 3 Red Lights On Xbox 360 Console

Fix your red light error and resume gaming.

If your original Xbox 360 is displaying three flashing red lights on the unit, Microsoft advises this signals either a hardware or power supply problem. Usually a few quick steps will resolve the flashing red lights, and you can continue to game on your Xbox 360. If the problem continues, however, a trip to a service center is most likely in order.


1. Turn on your Xbox 360 console and observe the color of the power supply light. The power supply is the rectangular-shaped box halfway between the wall plug in and the console plug in on your power cord.

2. Notate the color of the power supply light. If the light is green, try the following steps in the exact order written:

-- Unplug the power cord from the back of your Xbox 360 console.

-- Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.

-- Unplug the power cord from the back of the power supply box.

-- Plug the power cord back into the back of your console.

-- Plug the power cord back into the wall outlet.

-- Plug the power cord back into the power supply box.

-- Test all connections to make sure they are secure.

-- Turn your Xbox 360 console back on.

If you still see three flashing red lights, contact Microsoft to submit a service order to have your Xbox 360 repaired.

3. If your power supply indicator light is red or orange, try unplugging and plugging the unit back in as directed in Step 2. If that does not work proceed to Step 4.

4. Turn off your Xbox 360 and unplug it from the wall or surge protector. Take your Xbox 360 into another room and plug it directly into a different wall outlet; make sure you go into an entirely different room. Ensure all plugged connections are secure and turn on your Xbox 360 console; if all is well, the problem is either your wall outlet or your surge protector if you are using one. If that did not solve the problem, proceed to Step 5.

5. Take your Xbox 360 back to its original location, unplug everything as directed in Step 2 and allow the unit and power supply to cool down completely. Once cooled, plug everything back in, turn the console on and see if you still have three flashing red lights. If not, your unit and/or power supply is overheating and you need to move both to a location where there is plenty of ventilation; if you still see three flashing red lights, proceed to Step 6.

6. Contact Microsoft and order another power supply for your Xbox 360 console. A red indicator light on the power supply is a key indicator that you need to replace the power supply entirely.

Tags: power supply, your Xbox, power cord, flashing lights, your Xbox console, three flashing, three flashing lights