Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Computer Motherboard Tutorial

Computer Motherboard Tutorial

Think of a motherboard as the computer's central nervous system. It coordinates the input, output and crosstalk of the different components, each of them linked to the motherboard to function. Knowing more about a motherboard and the parts that are usually attached to it will help you further understand computers in general.

How a Motherboard Works

It's your PC's principal printed-circuit board. A motherboard's complex circuitry accepts a varied array of hardware and makes all of it function together properly. Motherboards take input from devices like keyboards, mice, microphones, power supplies and USB drives and send their signals to the devices or software programs that need them. A motherboard is software-independent and, in general, can run any type of operating system (OS). The motherboard can accomplish this because it needs only to pass electrical impulses between the components that are attached to it. It doesn't need to process any information used in an OS.

Parts of a Motherboard

A motherboard will usually have slots for attaching a CPU, the central processing unit or, simply, the processor, the brain of the computer. It will also have the processor's supporting chipset and a hard drive, storing everything from the OS to documents, spreadsheets and more. In addition, the motherboard will have Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) devices like video cards, USB extension cards, dialup modems and RAID controller cards; a power supply connected to most individual hardware pieces as well as the motherboard; random-access-memory (RAM) modules and specialized equipment like PCI-E devices, Serial ATA devices, dedicated video cards, audio cards and more. Each slot on a motherboard holds a specific piece of hardware. Specialized connectors and slots are used for things like high-powered video cards, next-generation hard drives and even custom hardware that individual computer users can build.

Tags: video cards, Computer Motherboard, Computer Motherboard Tutorial, devices like, Motherboard Tutorial, motherboard will