Most computers have video cards integrated directly onto the motherboard. These integrated video cards feature generally weak chipsets and are designed to reduce costs for the computer manufacturer. Adding a VGA card to the computer increases its graphics capabilities because separate discrete graphics cards are almost always faster than motherboard-integrated video cards. You can connect a VGA card to a motherboard to increase the computer's graphics processing capabilities.
1. Power off the computer.
2. Remove the side cover of the computer case. Some cases use screws, while others have a lever on the back of the case.
3. Remove the metal blank from the slot where the VGA card is to be installed by removing the screw fastening it to the computer case.
4. Insert the VGA card into the PCI-Express x16 slot on the motherboard.
5. Secure the VGA card to the computer case with a screw. Use the same screw that previously held the metal blank to the case.
6. Replace the side cover of the computer case and power on the computer.
7. Install the driver software provided with the VGA card.
Tags: computer case, video cards, card computer, cover computer, cover computer case, metal blank, side cover