Thursday, 27 August 2015

Difference Between Amd & Intel Processor

There is no denying that when it comes to the market for computer processors, Intel and AMD are the two giants grappling for the title of best processor. Although their respective products perform the same tasks, they do so in markedly different ways.


AMD was founded in 1969 as a producer of RAM and logic chips; Intel was founded in 1968 as a producer of RAM modules.


Intel carries higher priced, state of the art processors such as the Core i7 architecture; AMD produces value priced microprocessors which have kept pace with Intel offerings.


Intel's current market leader is the Core i7, which uses Quick Path Interface and opts for DDR3 memory. AMD's best seller is the Phenom II architecture that uses a slower front side bus and only dual channel RAM.


Intel and AMD are both currently producing processors in a 45nm fabrication process. Intel has stated the 32nm chips will be released in late 2009; AMD is working to release a 32nm process by 2010.

Target Audiences

Traditionally, Intel has catered to high level enterprise markets, while AMD has built their processors with the home user in mind, adding features to assist with gaming and processor overclocking.
