Friday 19 December 2014

Overclock An Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550

Central Processing Units (CPUs) are small devices integrated into all modern computer systems. A processor like the Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 works for a computer in the same way a brain works for a human, processing data, performing calculations, and helping the computer perform tasks. The speed of a processor, just like the speed of a human's brain, determines the capabilities of a computer. Use a process called overclocking to increase the Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550's speed and improve computer performance.


1. Boot or restart the PC containing the Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 processing device. Press "F11" during bootup to enter the boot menu. Choose "BIOS" from the choices presented on-screen.

2. Select the option named "External Bus." In "External Bus" select "Front Side Bus" or "Bus Speed," depending on the system. Highlight the number in the data field and press enter. Press up on the arrow key once to change the setting to the entry above the default. This changes the Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550's front bus speed setting, increasing its speed.

3. Select the option named "CPU Core." In "CPU Core," select "Multiplier." Highlight the number in the data field and press enter. Press up on the arrow key to raise the setting by 1. This raises the Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550's front bus frequency multiplier.

4. Move to the primary boot menu. Highlight the "Save and Quit" or "Exit and Save" option and press "Enter."

Tags: Core Quad, Core Quad Q9550, Intel Core, Intel Core Quad, Quad Q9550, boot menu