Friday 5 December 2014

Clean A Laptop Skin

Protecting the keys of your laptop can increase the lifespan of your computer. This is easily done with a laptop skin, which is a clear plastic cover that sits over the keyboard. A laptop skin will prevent dust and dirt from slipping under the keys but you will want to keep your skin clean as well.


Clean a Laptop Skin

1. Turn your computer off but keep it open with the keyboard exposed.

2. Spray rag with disinfectant. Do not get the rag wet, just damp.

3. Wipe the keyboard with the rag. Make sure to wipe in between the keys with the rag. This is best done by lightly brushing the cloth across the keyboard to remove any loose dust or dirt. Press firmly but not hard as you clean the top of the keys.

4. Remove the skin if you want to do a more thorough cleaning. This isn't necessary for day-to-day cleaning but can help to keep the skin in pristine condition. Clean it with the same disinfectant on both sides. Be sure to let the skin completely dry before returning it over the keyboard.

Tags: Clean Laptop, Clean Laptop Skin, dust dirt, laptop skin, over keyboard, your computer