Wednesday 21 January 2015

Do A Silent Install Of Msi

.MSI files are proprietary Microsoft files used to install various types of software onto your computer. Typically when you launch an MSI file, you also launch the Microsoft Install Wizard, which will guide you through most of the automated installation. If, however, you prefer not to be bothered or don't wish to see the installation as it happens, you can launch the .MSI file from the command line and include a specific parameter that will cause the file to install "silently."


1. Open the Start menu.

2. Type "CMD" into the Windows Live search box. This will bring up the Command Prompt window.

3. Type the following command into the Command Prompt:


Replace "X:\ABC\XYZ" with the drive, folder path and filename of the .MSI file you are installing. If it is located in C:\MSI and the filename is "Install," for instance, replace "X:\ABC\XYZ" with "C:\MSI\Install.MSI."

4. Press "Enter" once the command has been typed in. The MSI will now be installed invisibly, requiring no further input from you whatsoever.

Tags: Command Prompt, launch file