Monday 27 October 2014

Update Bios Without A Floppy Drive

In the past, BIOS updates required you to use a formatted floppy drive. Most of today's computers don't have floppy drives, but you can still update your BIOS. The process allows you to use other removable media such as flash drives and SD cards.


1. Boot your computer and press the Enter BIOS key as stated by your boot loader screen. The key is typically F2, Esc or Del. If you miss the key, restart. The manufacturer and version number is listed at the top of the first BIOS settings screen. Note the version number. If your computer is a package deal, you can find BIOS updates through the computer manufacturer without determining the BIOS manufacturer.

2. Download the BIOS update. This can be done from several places, including your computer manufacturer's website, the BIOS manufacturer's website and the Motherboards website. Motherboards has almost every motherboard and BIOS manufacturer, along with links to BIOS updates. Note your computer make and model or serial number to find updates on your computer manufacturer's website.

3. Copy the BIOS update onto your removable media, if necessary. Desktop application updates do not require copying. If there is a readme.txt file in the BIOS update, read this file first. Certain updates have extra steps involved in the process that are specific to the version number.

4. Restart your computer with the removable media still in your drive. Press F12 during the boot process to open a boot options menu. Choose Removable Media from the list. Some computer manufacturers may call this USB or Flash Media.

5. Allow the BIOS update to run automatically. The update is complete when your computer automatically restarts. This should take no more than 10 minutes.

Tags: your computer, BIOS update, BIOS manufacturer, BIOS updates, computer manufacturer