The Dell Inspiron 530, introduced in 2006, was the first Dell desktop computer to in the Inspiron line. It was available with either an Intel Pentium Dual-Core processor or an Intel Core 2 Duo processor. The computer's motherboard, produced by Foxconn, offers expansion capabilities in the form of two PCI slots, one PCI-E x1 slot and one PCI-E x16 slot.
PCI-E Overview
PCI-E stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect Express and is currently the most popular type of expansion cards for desktop computers. PCI-E replaces the older PCI and AGP slots, even though both PCI and AGP slots are still common. PCI-E slots come in bus sizes of x1, which is the smallest slot, x4, x8 and x16, which is the largest slot. When installing PCI-E cards, you can always install a smaller card in a larger socket. For example, it's perfectly acceptable to install a x8 card in a x16 socket. The most current version of the PCI-E architecture is version 3.0, which replaces the older 2.1, 2.0, 1.1 and 1.0 versions.
Inspiron 530 Motherboard
The Dell Inspiron 530 shipped with either the Foxconn G33M02 or the G33M02 motherboard. The difference between the board has to do only with the CPU sockets. Both boards feature four expansion slots. Two of the slots are standard PCI slots, referred to as "Slot3" and "Slot4." Slot1 is a PCI Express x16 slot and Slot2 is a PCI-Express x1 slot. As shipped, the Inspiron 530's x1 PCI-Express slot is empty. The x16 slot contains an ATI Radeon HD3650 graphics card. This configuration can vary if the buyer opted for upgrades to the system configuration.
Remove PCI-E Card
You can easily remove PCI-Express cards from your Inspiron 530 computer to replace a damaged card or to upgrade a card. First, open the computer case by removing the two Phillips screws on the rear edge of the side cover. Ensure you are grounded by wearing an anti-static wrist strap connected to the computer chassis. Remove the card retention bracket screw and remove the bracket. If your card has cables connecting it to the motherboard, disconnect them. Rotate the locking lever away from the card to unlock it. Grasp the card by both top corners and pull it straight up out of the slot.
Install PCI-E Card
To install a card in your Inspiron 530, open the computer by removing the side cover. Remove the screw holding the card retention bracket and remove the bracket. Ensure the slot locking lever is in the open position. Align the card with the slot, ensuring the notches in the card correspond with the tabs in the slot, and press the card firmly into the slot. When fully seated, the locking tab should automatically engage. Connect any cables to the motherboard as per documentation included with the card. Replace the retention bracket and install any included drivers and software.
Tags: Dell Inspiron, retention bracket, card retention, card retention bracket, install card, locking lever, open computer