Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Create Msi Packages

Create MSI packages for your documents.

MSI, or Microsoft Installer, is a software application program that allows PC users to install and remove programs from their computer. Users can utilize MSI to create packages for installing text files, converting executable (.EXE) files and modifying files and folders either locally or from a remote computer. The program offers various wizards and help options, but it's good to know the basics of MSI Package creation before getting started.


1. Open your MSI application by either double-clicking the Desktop icon or finding it under "Programs," then "Advanced Installer" in the "Start" menu. A pop-up dialogue box should appear, offering different project template options. Choose the "Simple" format under the "Generic Templates" section. Uncheck the "Use Wizard to Create the Project" box located jut underneath the template options, and then click "OK."

2. Click the "Files and Folders" icon located on the left-hand side of the window. Two options should appear titled "Application Folder" and "Application Shortcut Folder." Click the "Application Folder" icon to highlight it, and then click the "Add Files..." button located on the toolbar at the top of the window. Browse to find the document you wish to create a package for, and then select it by double-clicking it.

3. Click the "Build" button from the toolbar at the top of the window to pull up a drop-down menu. Select "Build Project." A pop-up window should appear, measuring the progress of your package building. Once the building is complete, click "Run." Follow the wizard through the last couple of steps to finish the process.

Tags: should appear, Application Folder, template options, then click, toolbar window